What Damages Are To Be Feared By Raccoons?

To investigate the habits of a raccoon, experts place tracking devices on raccoons and then release them. The information gathered showed that raccoons are very fond of sleeping in tree hollows and buildings. Raccoons are excellent climbers and look to find a place to sleep under roofing. This is why it is essential to contact Animal Control Specialists instead of trying to get rid of the pest yourself.


These skilled climbers are increasingly looking for shelter in warm attics. Especially impulsive creatures, curious young raccoons can cause significant damage by destroying roofing insulation. In other disturbing news, they will also drop urine and fecal matter all over the place.

On the one hand, such exposure is an odorous nuisance but, on the other hand, fecal matter can also be a health hazard since it is often infected with raccoon roundworm eggs. Furthermore, when the nocturnal animals transform their hiding place and expand, they aren’t quiet about it. Raccoons regularly inspect the surrounding area and nibble on wooden floors, walls, and roof constructions, which can quickly lead to severe and expensive damage.

Garden damages

The interior of a home is not the only thing a raccoon will damage. When this pest, or any other pest for that matter, stay in a garden or a shed, it can lead to considerable problems: garbage bags are torn open and cleared, trash cans knocked over, garden beds are dug up, or planters are broken. In the worst case, garden pond owners must fear that the small wild animals are tampering with the fish living in the pond.

If you live in an area where a high number of raccoons are to be expected, you should periodically check your roof for holes, such as shifted roof tiles, and take countermeasures immediately. It is also essential to prepare the garden before the pest becomes a problem. Animal Control Specialists will have plenty more tips.

Do not feed raccoons

A raccoon is an omnivore with a preference for fish, meat, overripe fruit as well as dairy products and bread. If people want to keep the ravenous little bears out of their yard, they should avoid placing organic food on an open compost pile. Alternatively, use closed composters to produce high-quality waste.

Since it is generally forbidden by law for people without hunting permission to catch and relocate raccoons, pest control specialists recommend an intricate garden design that keeps raccoons from settling in the area. Visit www.animalcontrolspecialists.com for more details.
